What Kind of Leader Are You?


Are you better at the science or art of leadership?


Some leaders are better at the technical side of leading: strategy, planning, finances.

Others are better at the people part: connectingcommunicating, casting vision, motivating.


Which one is more like YOU? Discover now!

Which is Your Strength?


If you are unsure how to answer this question or is been a while since you took a leadership assessment, we can help you.

Experience our Leadership & Communication Assessment which gives you a massive insight into:

  • Your leadership and communication style
  • The way you lead and manage people
  • Your influencing style
  • How you make decisions 
  • Your potential areas for growth and improvement.

The Maxwell Method of Leadership & Communication Report


 This Report provides tremendous insight into Your:

  • Leadership strengths
  • Preferred communication style
  • Motivations
  • Ideal work environment.
Experience the Maxwell Leadership Report

Curious to see what you discover inside your report?


It covers 3 main areas of your leadership profile:

  1. A 3D view of your personality style:
    • The Public Self
    • The Private Self
    • The Perceived Self
  2. An in-depth communication DO's and DONT's
  3. A 7D Leadership profile on how you:
    • Influence results and outcomes
    • Direct people
    • Process information
    • Attention to details
    • Use your creative thinking
    • Keep your persistence
    • Create relationships

Download a sample Maxwell Leadership & Communication Impact Report and see for yourself the brilliance of the tool. 

Look inside a Sample Report!

Discover How YOU Lead and Communicate Best!

Apply for a complimentary 14-page Tailored Leadership & Communication Impact Report on YOUR style.

Yes. Show me my leaderhsip style!